[SVN] Bundle commit 549

Mats Persson mats at imediatec.co.uk
Mon Apr 4 17:15:54 UTC 2005

Added the following commands:
-- Convert to HTML Entities
## Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities, but will leave both double and single quotes unconverted.
-- Convert to HTML Entities incl double-quotes
## Converts all applicable characters to HTML entities, but will leave single quotes unconverted.
-- Convert to HTML Entities incl all quotes
## Converts all applicable characters to HTML entities including both double and single quotes.
-- Decode HTML Entities
## Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters, including both double and single quotes.
### PLEASE NOTE!  Due to a known PHP bug, this command is NOT UTF-8 safe, so use only with caution.
-- Convert to Numeric Entities
## Renaming of the As Numeric Entities for the moment, but will change soon-ish
-- Strip HTML tags
## Strip HTML and PHP tags from the selected text

A   trunk/HTML.tmbundle/Commands/Convert to HTML Entities incl all quotes.plist
A   trunk/HTML.tmbundle/Commands/Convert to HTML Entities incl double-quotes.plist
A   trunk/HTML.tmbundle/Commands/Convert to HTML Entities.plist
A   trunk/HTML.tmbundle/Commands/Convert to Numeric Entities.plist
A   trunk/HTML.tmbundle/Commands/Decode HTML Entities.plist
A   trunk/HTML.tmbundle/Commands/Strip HTML tags.plist

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