
I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction here.  I searched the list archives and have tried the following.

Opened up ~/Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/Info.plist and found this entry:

            <string>HTML with embedded Ruby</string>

Which I modified to be:

            <string>HTML with embedded Ruby</string>

I also later tried:

            <string>HTML with embedded Ruby</string>

Saved Info.plist, then Quit completely out of TextMate.  Next, opened up an existing rails project, but the 'index.html.erb' for example, still showed the generic TextMate icon in the project drawer, not the tiny blue globe one that 'rhtml' files use.  (I really like the way it strikes the eye... what can I say?)

Has anyone been able to get Rails 2.0's new 'html.erb', 'css.erb', etc. files to show up in the drawer with teh sexy rhtml icon? =)


- Shanti

ps. this is probably completely unrelated, but I also went through Finder and did the 'get info' -> 'change all' trick to open all ' html.erb' files in TextMate, yet the icon in Finder remains the generic white OSX one, not TextMate's.  Figured that's an OS X thing but thought I'd mention it just in case.