TextMate Version 1.5.11 (1635)
Transmit 4.2
OS 10.8.2 supplemental installed

I can ftp into all sites with no issue. Set editor to textmate, double click, and it will open textmate for about 5 docs and save no problem, after that it hangs transmit, causing a crash. I can edit with any other editor and transmit. 

below is usually what happens. I have repaired permission, completely removed textmate and transmit and reinstalled.

any ideas would be great, as this is my favorite workflow. 

Thank you.

10/17/12 11:06:46.456 AM lsboxd[678]: @AE relay 4755524c:4755524c
10/17/12 11:11:35.453 AM TextMate[1340]: *** error sending apple event -1712 (<NSAppleEventDescriptor: 'R*ch'\'FCls'{ '----':"/Users/mattgrimes/Library/Caches/Cleanup At Startup/Transmit/F61AAB28-7D66-4B40-A7EF-886A65E8A41A/process.php", 'Tokn':[ 'BBEd'(3620B19F100100000036) ] }>)
10/17/12 11:19:33.000 AM kernel[0]: ALF: ifnet_get_address_list_family error 12
10/17/12 11:22:45.031 AM WindowServer[93]: CGXSetWindowBackgroundBlurRadius: Invalid window 0xffffffff