I also use CyberDuck. This worked for me except my tmp folder is "folders.501".

Slick. Thanks.

On 2/23/06, thomas Aylott < thomas.42@gmail.com> wrote:
Howdy y'all.  Wooo doggies!

I know a lot of people have talked about this in the past, but...

If you want to use TextMate through FTP, you can still use a project
window with tabs.

#1 Open up your FTP add (I've used Cyberduck and Transmit)
#2 Open a document from your FTP program into TextMate (cmd-j in the
#3 Find the temp folder that your FTP app uses to save the files
you're editing (the duck uses /var/tmp/folders.503/TemporaryItems/ on
my system)
#4 Open that folder in TextMate
#5 Close any FTPd files you're currently working on
#6 Open a document from your FTP program into TextMate (cmd-j in the

Your temp editing FTP files should now pop up as new tabs in textmate.

For extra slickness, you can save this project, stick the .tmproj in
your dock or something and be ready to go at a moments notice !!!!

yee haw!!!!
Enjoy ;)

(this really shouldn't come as news to anyone, but it was fun to feel
like a big know-it-all for a few precious moments)
((back to cruel intellectual mediocrity))

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