I'm not sure I understand: are you trying to load a template into your tex file or save a template in ~/Library/Application Support/LaTeX/Templates? If trying to load a template, when you are in a .tex file, and the language is TeX or LaTeX (at the bottom of page), type temp on its own line, then TAB. But first the Templates folder needs to exist, as in the picture below, and it needs to contain at least one file.

On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 1:10 PM, Ross Ahmed <rossahmed@googlemail.com> wrote:
I’m trying to save a latex template. I a .tex file, I pressed temp+TAB which gave the following message: 

"You need to create the directory /Users/rossahmed/Library/Application Support/LaTeX/Temp|ate/ first and

populate it with your favorite LaTeX template files before using this command”.

I followed the instructions in the message, but if I press temp+TAB again, I just get the same message. 

How can I get templates to load?



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