E Text Editor (Windows only unfortunately) actually strikes a nice balance between a Vi/Vim-ish command mode and the usual Textmate stuff you'd be expecting.

E is like Vim and Textmate's Special Olympics baby.

(Apologies to any Special Olympic babies that may be reading this.)


On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 1:14 PM, Paul McCann <pmccann@gmail.com> wrote:
Hans Stimer wrote…

[[ Lots and lots of good stuff about Vim. ]]

If you're looking for a nice hybrid of Vim and TextMate and --from
your description-- really require a sort of Vim command mode, I'd
strongly recommend a close look at Vico.


The other alternative is to wait for one of the crazy scientists of
the TextMate world to start hacking hard with TM2.


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