I looked at the Markdown.plist you sent me.  It is identical to mine.
Did you see any messages in the console?
You might also check the HTML.plist file to make sure that the scopeName is text.html.basic

Anyone else have any ideas?


On Apr 29, 2005, at 6:00 PM, Brad Miller wrote:

That sounds like the same behavior I was gettign when I messed up the include for the HTML language definition.  

I am now running Tiger as well and I have not seen a problem with b7 and markdown.

If you want to mail me the Markdown.plist file in the Bundles/markdown.tmbundle/Syntaxes directory I would be happy to take a look at it.

Also if you would take a look at your console and let us know what messages are coming out in the console when the beeps are happinging.


On Apr 29, 2005, at 5:47 PM, Hannu Rajaniemi wrote:


Today, I updated to Tiger and downloaded the b7: then I did a SVN
checkout of the bundles. Everything appeared to be working fine, until
I tried the Markdown bundle (I write my blog in Markdown). The bundle
seems to work, but I get an immensely annoying system bell sound with
every keystroke! The problem seems to be restricted to the Markdown
bundle, as far as I can tell.

Anyway, thanks again for TextMate: it's really becoming a brain
extension for me. Any chance of seeing any Automator/TM interplay in
the future?

- Hannu Rajaniemi
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