That works great thanks!
Is there a way to autocomplete the < symbol? I can do it with the { so when I press "{" TM autocompletes it with the end } so it automatically becomes {}. How can I add that functionality to the "<" symbol so it automatically becomes <>.
Thank you.
You could easily customize the folding patterns.  It would be up to you to decide what your convention would be; just add those angle brackets in to the pattern and you should be on your way.
You can also easily add more folding patterns.  If I'm understanding your request right, you could simply match on "function" and "end function", etc, you just need to map them all out.  So, combined, something like this:

foldingStartMarker = '\{<[^\/]+>\}|^(loop|function|if|on init)';
foldingStopMarker = '\{<\/.+>\}|^(end (loop|function|if|on))';

If you want to add more folding matches following the "X/end X" pattern, just add a pipe and the "X" to the parts in both expressions that look like this:

(loop|function|if|on init)

Hope that helps,

On Jul 13, 2011, at 8:23 AM, John Relosa wrote:


thanks, this works ok but now every time I have any {comment}, TM shows a down fold arrow only (since there is no {/comment} obviously.

Is there a way to have the {block}...code...{/block} folding system differentiate from regular {comments}

It could be something like:

{comment on code}
{comment on loop}
more code

Only the {<...>} ...... {</...>} would have folding markers and not the regular {comment}.

Secondly regarding the language, there is no standard folding set but it would be nice to set up keywords that would start and end folds in user defined paired words like
function.... end function, if...end if, on init...end on, etc... Is that possible?

Thanks in advance.