On Jan 9, 2006, at 8:26 AM, Frederik De Bleser wrote:

Actually, I encountered the bug with a real example in the Poignant guide. Here it is, from (http://www.poignantguide.net/ruby/chapter-6.html):

 class DwemthysArray < Array

   alias _inspect inspect

   def inspect; "#<#{ self.class }#{ _inspect }>"; end

The last line triggers the bug, which messes up all the code in the file I already wrote. The results looks downright scary when the bug shows up, so I personally think this must be fixed.

You'll have to explain how you typed the aforementioned code, because when I type it in, the bug is not triggered.

And I personally like the fact that TextMate automatically writes {} when I type # in strings.

So it didn't bother you in the above example where to write the #< part you had to delete the { as well as the consequent } that sticks around?

