Thanks for the quick reply. The problem solved itself, after I tried to reproduce the error in a custom build, which didn't work.


Keep up the good work :)

Sent from Nylas N1, the extensible, open source mail client.

On Oct 21 2016, at 6:41 am, Allan Odgaard <> wrote:

On 21 Oct 2016, at 4:45, Koen Punt wrote:

> Out of nowhere now every time I want to open a file using CMD+T,
> TextMate
> crashes.

This can happen if switching to Open Files, I’ve pushed a test build
which fixes this.

Hold option and select TextMate → Check for Updates to update.

Sorry about the inconvenience. I was delaying pushing an update since I
have some WIP and only one user (before you) had run into this (based on
submitted reports).

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