Thx, nice work!

On Dec 17, 2007 5:45 PM, Jonas Müller <> wrote:
Hello all,

after searching the list archive for a while, I have hacked together a
short command to run Matlab straight from within textmate. The current
problem is (as has been discussed on the list previously) that Matlab
has to be launched from scratch every time (takes about 5s for simple
hello-world scripts to execute).

Is there a maintainer for the Matlab bundle? Is there anyone around
who knows how to access the current Matlab session?

As far as I know (and this was something we really looked for for a while) there is no real way to access matlab's current session.
You might want to take a look at this project, though:

Btw, a colleague of mine did his "link" with something called HotKeys (I think) in windows.
He defined a macro for pasting the selected text in his editor directly in the matlab window.
No idea, though, how to make this in os x.



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