On 05 Jan 2006, at 03:10, Simon Dorfman wrote:
I like the TextMate auto-update feature except for one thing: After it
updates, I have to re-install my custom icons [1].
Is there any way I could protect them from auto-update? Does it use rsync?
If yes, maybe add an --exclude flag to it?
Same here. The best I found is to make a command that quits TM, copy the icons and reopen TM.
Make a new command with:
Input: none
Output: Discard
Paste this (be sure to put the path to your icons):
{ APP_PATH=$(ps -xwwp $PPID -o command|grep -o '.*.app')
osascript -e 'tell app "TextMate" to quit'
for (( i = 0; i < 5 && $(echo $(ps -xp $PPID|wc -l))-1; i++ )); do
sleep .2;
cp -f "Path/To/Your/IconsFolder/*" /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/Resources/
if [[ $(ps -xp $PPID|wc -l) -ne 2 ]]; then
open "$APP_PATH"
} &>/dev/null &