I asked the same question when I migrated. I obviously appreciate the help we've received to create a temporary fix, but templates should really be a natural part of the software.

Walter, I have set it up, so whenever I press [tab] in a blank document, I get a HTML5 template, and the language is set to PHP. There is no better way to select language, so it is dependent on activated bundles. See screenshot for settings. Code below.


tell application "System Events"
    keystroke "p" using {control down, option down, shift down}
    keystroke "3" -- This is where it's messy. You might need to fix this shortcut
"<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=\"da\">
    <meta charset=\"utf-8\">
    <meta name=\"description\" content=\"\">
    <style type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\">

end tell

On 27/05/15 14.24, Walter Lee Davis wrote:
I am sure this may have been discussed earlier, but I would like to know what the current state of Templates (File / New from Template) is in TM2. I started experimenting with 2 over the weekend, after about a decade of using 1.x exclusively. That was my immediate "miss", as I typed out the complete structure of an HTML page (like an animal). Am I just looking in the wrong place for these?



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