On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 1:52 PM, Jacob Carlborg <doob@me.com> wrote:

* The cancel button doesn't properly work. The other window that also opens still waits for a commit message (or something) after the commit window is closed
Most of the functionality is actually controlled by the scm bundles. For the git bundle, it initially writes output to the html output window before opening the commit window. I have a pull request submitted to only show the html output window after closing the commit window (e.g., canceling or committing). Maybe we should also not send anything to the output window when canceling the commit too? So for this case (canceling) the other window would not be displayed at all.

* One thing that's been bugging me or quite a while is that when doing an amend the check box for updating the commit message is enabled by default but there's no commit message. The commit message of the commit being amended should automatically be inserted in the text view and all text should be selected. 
 The commit window does accept a "--log" option that does just as you describe. Although I am not not aware of any bundle actually using this option (maybe the svn bundle??, I've only looked that the git and hg bundles). Also, the git bundle labels the "update commit message" as "M" which tells the commit window to enable it by default. 

I do have a local change for the git bundle to include the last commit message automatically. As for the "enable by default", the status could be change to "?" or "X", I think, so that it is not enabled by default.

I am willing to submit pull requests to make the necessary changes to the git bundle to accommodate your comments, if that would be something of general interest.


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