You can do this by recording a macro.  Type a word, then under Bundles on the toolbar, go to Macros and click Start Recording.  Press the key combination for 'move to beginning of word' (which is option+left arrow for me), and then press '$'.  Then click 'Stop Recording'.  With any luck you should have a macro that does 'move to beginning of word' and then 'insert $'.  You can do that for all the characters you need, and obviously much more complicated scenarios.


I was wondering if that is possible. The symbol for variable in the language I
am working on is the "$" sign.
Would it be possible to add this after the word has been typed and have it added
in the beginning of the word? The same would go for the array symbol %,
strings array "!" etc..
So I would type "counter" and then decide if I want this to be a variable or an
array so depending if I type $ or % after that word it would end up being
$counter or %counter
Thanks in advance for any input.