Hello all, I was playing around with the new indented soft wrapping feature in TextMate 2, and I'm a little confused with how this is supposed to work. In
http://article.gmane.org/gmane.editors.textmate.general/33488, Allan said that the `format` value is expanded and prepended to each wrapped line. However, try doing this: go into the bundle editor and edit Source > Settings > Style: Line Comments - Slash, change the format string to '${0/./a/g}', and save. Then open up a blank document with the language set to C, hit tab a few times, and type a comment that extends past the wrapping marker. When I do this, it appears that the `format` string is being expanding and *appended* to each wrapped line, but that a number of whitespace characters equal to the length of the `format` string are also being *prepended* to each wrapped line. Is that what's supposed to happen?
Here's exactly what I see if I set the wrap column to 40 and put 8 spaces before the beginning of the comment:
// Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, aaaaaaaaaaa
consectetur adipisicing aaaaaaaaaaa
elit, sed do eiusmod tempor aaaaaaaaaaa
Is anyone else seeing this behavior as well? I ran across this while trying to change the settings so that soft-wrapped comments had some sort of "ghost" comment marker placed at the beginning of each line, for example some kind of vertical ellipsis like a tricolon ⁝. Is it possible to achieve that kind of effect with the new soft-wrapping system? Thanks for any comments!