I think that an interesting alternative would be to show the open buffers in a drawer. This could be shared with the file browser or openable on the other side of the window.

2008/9/9 Thomas Allen <thomasmallen@gmail.com>
A web browser has a back button. I wouldn't want a back button in my editor because I'd lose my changes. I generally don't like using bn and bp in Vim (buffer next and previous), and prefer splits + tabs.

Also, webpages aren't editable, so the dynamic is different.


2008/9/9 Trevor Harmon <trevor@vocaro.com>

On Sep 8, 2008, at 6:53 PM, Thomas Allen wrote:

> Yes.

What is it that you like, exactly? Would you also prefer your web
browser to work the same way? (i.e., every click of a link opens it in
a new tab)


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