Hi All,

Noticed a rather worrying problem in the "Find" dialog of TM2.  If you select "In: Document" in the find box, it all behaves nicely, and only shows you results from the current file.  If you switch this to "In: Selection", then it doesn't.  Hitting "Find All" gives results from the current directory (and actually sometimes this defaults to the current directories of other TM2 windows), which is rather worrying if you are then planning to hit "Replace All" and are just expecting it to replace things in your selection.  The "Sigma" button does however seem to obey the selection directive...

I'm assuming this comes under the "work in progress" label, so I hope this post will serve as a friendly warning for those using TM2 as their permanent editor - it is after all still in alpha!  Hopefully allan will manage to sort this out soon :-).
