Not a biggie, but thought someone might want to know... for next time they're tinkering (Ciarán? ;-) ) with the PHP bundle.

Thought I'd try fiddling with my copy of SimpleTest to put txmt style links on the test reports, just to make things a bit easier...

Thought I'd just grab what i needed from the $message variable which shows up something like this:

  [/Library/WebServer/Documents/pcs/tests/panel_test.php line 56]

Tried putting 

    $linkRef = preg_replace( array('/^.*\[/','/\].*$/','/ line /'), array('txmt://open?url=file://','', '&line='), $message);
which works as far as the links go, but throws a distinct wobbly in terms of scope within TM after that delimited open square bracket \[. If I didn't happen to be searching for the end square bracket as well, then the rest of the code would be highlighted as a pattern...

Hope that's as clear as mud.


Richard Dyce MA (Cantab.) MBCS MIET