Le 16 juin 07 à 19:12, Ciarán Walsh a écrit :

On 16 Jun 2007, at 17:13, MakTheYak wrote:

 So I was just wondering if anyone knew of a way to disable the


This is the best thing ever and you are quite mad. However you can't find it that annoying as if you'd simply looked in Preferences → Text Editing you would see the option to disable it ;)

Well, actually, it can be quite annoying, depending on the context.

Typically, in Lisp, the defun is somehing like

(defun ${1=name} (${2=parameters} [...]))

The same macro would make perfect sense when you define methods.
However, while function parameters are given in a list

(defun foo (x y z) [...])

the method gives a type, too.

(defmethod bar ((x number) (y list) (z some-type)) [...])

Thus, when defining a method and right after typing the name, you often come tosuch text

(defmethod bar ((parameter)) [...])

with the caret right before the "parameter".

The huge number of situation where it's useful is worth the annoyance, though.