On 28 Oct 2016, at 6:49, Graham Heath wrote:

For NVM to keep multiple versions in the path it adds ~/.nvm/nvm.sh to your
.bash_profile, which interns amends the "default nvm-node path" to PATH.
Like this, `which node` will return something like
I could simply add that path to TM_PATH, but if node versions change,
TextMate will continue using the old version (or worse).
I’m sure some of you are running into this problem. What have you done to
solve it?

The best way to handle these things is by using symbolic links, so you would have a current link pointing to the version you wish to use, and you can add that to PATH, then no shell script is required to be executed by apps that want to access the current node.

If NVM does not provide such links, I would make it a suggestion.