will allow you to save any action as a file.
And after you enable proxy objects (http://vjarmy.com/archives/2006/01/quicksilver_gold_trigger.php)
you can do all sorts of fancy stuff.

Here we're going to create an Edit in TextMate command that works on your current selection in the finder.

1) Select the action you'd like to use
Current Selection ⇥ Open With… ⇥ TextMate

2) Then, before you touch another key or run the action, hit ⌃↩ (control-return)
That will convert the current action into a single object. You can now put it in your Shelf or something.

3) The default action for these objects is Run, but select the Save Command to File… action.
This won't show a third pane, but you must select a folder to save the file into.

4) Hit ⇥ and select the Desktop, hit ↩ (return) to save.

Now you'll have a .qsaction file on your desktop.
You can give it an icon or put it in your finder toolbar or dock.


To sum up:
Download the latest beta of QS.
Turn on advanced mode.
Enable proxy objects.

⌘SPACE cursel ⇥ ow ⇥ tm ⌃↩ sav ⇥ desk↩

Of just use this one I already made: