On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 6:56 AM, Timothy Reaves
<treaves@silverfieldstech.com> wrote:
> Yes . . . please . . . when Allan gets the Alpha done he gets it done.
> Besides I have to ask the question. If TextMate is so good (which it is)
> why is everyone so impatient for TM2? Yes it will probably be better then
> TM1 and more scalable, but TM1 is great as is.
> If anything the bigger question would be for the windows users wondering
> when TM is going to be coming to there platform? Besides E-text Editor
> which works pretty good. But I was a little put out when they wanted to
> charge for a product that was still in Beta.
> --snip--
Because TextMate isn't that great. It being a good (arguably the best) OS
X programmers editor doesn't mean it's great. SlickEdit, if it was native
Cocoa instead of X, would be much, much better.
So those of use waiting for a version 2 hope that the many issues, both
visual and functional, with finally be fixed. Then maybe it'll be a great