Hello Allan & other TM friends,

I'm one of the disturbed folks who tries to make life difficult for myself and those around me by using the Dvorak-Qwerty layout. Apple was kind enough to create this monster, but not kind enough to provide the adequate means for developers to fully support it in their apps[1].

Is there anything in the works to handle the DQ layout properly in TM2? I'm debating a switch to a pure Dvorak[2] layout and since TM is the app I type into for hours daily it has the largest influence on my decision. I know it's foolish to think that maybe Leopard will include some new key handling abilities just for us DQ guys, but I'm clinging to a shred of hope.

The only reason I'm bringing this up is that every now and then a new bundle shortcut will catch me by surprise, ie. Cmd-Opt-/  (which is Cmd-Opt-[ in DQ) for commenting blocks overwrote the shortcut for re-indenting a block or line. Cmd-/ works as it should, but for some reason Cmd-Opt-/ uses the Dvorak / instead of the Qwerty /. Some default shortcuts don't work at all (show scope). It's not that big of a deal and I accept that this is the price I pay for choosing an obscure layout. However, my dislike of surprises while coding[3] outweighs the benefits of using DQ in the first place; hence this message.

[1] http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/textmate/2005-August/005238.html
[2] Oh how I would/will miss the cut, copy & paste shortcuts. They suck on a Dvorak layout.
[3] I know, I know. Why the hell do I use the cutting edge build of TM if I don't want surprises? ;-)

Sami Samhuri