On 8/2/07, Mark Eli Kalderon <eli@markelikalderon.com> wrote:
Dear Brad,
While your working on the LaTeX bundle, I thought I would mention a
couple of things.
First, the "Keep log window open" checkbox is working imperfectly for
me. I checked it and it kept the window open. But unchecking it, the
window still remains open.
The keep log window open attempts to replicate most of the functionality of the old ERRLVL environment variable with less confusion. So if you have the box unchecked the window will still stay open if you have errors or warnings. Unless you are using the built-in viewer in which case having the box unchecked will cause the pdf to replace the log in the window even if you have warnings.
Yeah... Writing that out reminds me exactly how confusing that is. I wish there were a simple yet obvious way to cover all those bases.
So, if you still think the window is misbehaving, let me know exactly what was going on and I'll try to replicate.
It is less than optimal that the engine and options work
independently of one another. If you have options set for pdflatex
and the switch your engine to xetex, say, these options persist even
though they may not be valid options for the selected engine.
It would also be nice if the user could save options and select among
them instead of having to retype them.
I'll have to give some thought to how I could do that. My skill with interface builder is pretty minimal so if you or anyone have suggestions as to how that kind of interface would work, let me know.
I'd also like to figure out a way for a user to add their own custom command. See the emails with Flo for her situation.
Just some thoughts.
Thanks for all the hard work. I am definitely enjoying the new
Typeset and Preview command.
All the best, Mark
Glad you are enjoying it, and thanks for the ideas.
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