hi cliff (and all others).

i did think of this issue when starting with flashmate. it should be not that hard (and i've already planned this) to get an as3 version up and running. i took a look at the possible mxmlc compiler flags, which seem to be a gazillion more than matasc has. so probably i have to get rid of the checkbox concept for the flags and get to something like xcode has, with a tableview. i have to mention, that i didn't take a brief look at as3 by now, so you guys may probably help me with the demands for flashmate as3.

aside from the problem with more compiler flags i need to parse the output from the compiler and needs some more items in the context menu i guess, since you need to choose a mxml file. that should be it. so hopefully the answer to your question is <= 3 :-)

first of all i need to get the as2 version out of the door and there is still some work to be done. then i would really like to have a filter for the trace output, essentially a ruleeditor something like in spotlight or for the email rules in mail. after that i am hopefully pleased with the plugin myself and can head for as3 support.

@ale: i will notify you as soon as i have suitable version for a public beta, which should be, as mentioned before, hopefully over the next week. 

ah, some afterthought: i think a plugin could help resolving the fcsh issue, if there is no solution yet.


2007/7/21, Cliff Pruitt <lists.cpruitt@cliffpruitt.com >:
+1 for an AS3 request.  I'm exclusively AS3 or I'd be all about it.

Just a question, since I know everyone else is going to want to
know.  What is the major obstacle to AS3 support?  Is it a huge
rewrite or something we can expect in the next maybe 3 / 6 / 12 months?

- Cliff

On Jul 20, 2007, at 2:40 PM, Marc Bauer wrote:

> hello list.
> As I've mentioned before on Allans blog, I'm developing a plugin
> which should ease developing Actionscript 2 with TextMate.
> The plugin is a interface for Mtasc and has an integrated
> SocketServer which can display your trace commands. It also has
> it's own browser (based on the WebView of course), which can show
> which files are loaded by your flash movie.
> You can see some screenshots here: http://nesium.com/blog/flashmate/
> It works pretty solid right now (I use it for production on a daily
> basis) and I hope that I can release a beta version over the next
> week. So if you're interested in using it, please drop me a line. I
> would be pretty happy if someone could assist me in testing this
> thing!
> cheers,
> Marc
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