in textmate 2, i want a haXe bundle. i personaly don't use any shortcut.

On 7/31/07, Kenneth McDonald <> wrote:
Niels Kobschätzki wrote:
> On 7/31/07, Kenneth McDonald <> wrote:
> <snip simplicity and key-bindings>
> Do you know about ctrl+cmd+t, click on magnifying glass and use Key
> equivalent -- with this you will get to know if there is a binding for
> your wished shortcut in the bundles.
Good lord, no, I didn't know about that! Yet another piece of incredibly
useful functionality, completely nonobvious :-)
> For the rest it would be just useful if there would be some kind of a
> cheatsheet (if this does not already exist).
What would be (moderately, definitely not trivially, for Alan) easy to
implement, would be the ability to dump, to XHTML, _all_
current bindings, tab completions, etc.
> A powerful text-editor has a lot of bindings…making it easier doesn't
> seem really possible (at least I don't know how -- maybe include in
> ctrl+cmd+t not only bundle-items but also menu-items from TM)
Doing a good GUI to these bindings is very difficult, but allowing TM to
dump a file describing them is
less difficult. The file should describe:
1) The command
2) Where the binding originates.
3) What you need to do to change it.


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