Le 3 oct. 07 à 00:44, Brad Miller a écrit :

 Did you mean updated this morning?  I don't know what you would double click on to get the latest version of the latex bundle from subversion. See Section 5.7 here: http://macromates.com/textmate/manual/bundles.

I exported — svn export, not svn checkout — the bundle from the svn repository yesterday morning and then double-clicked it for TM to put it in the right place.

Given that I've tried to reproduce your problem here by adding characters like ü  and é  into some file names, and then running Typeset and View on the file.  So far  I have not been able to reproduce your problem.

I just tried on another test session and it won't do it neither. So it's user related. After some tests, it appears that
- the "displayline" command from Skim.app raise the same error
- "Show in PDF Viewer" too
- When I try to jump to a given line from Skim to TM thanks to pdfsync, TM open a new window with the same document. However, it does it the first time only or when I close this newly opened window.

So I guess it's a Skim bug. Just in case, what is your locale and where is it set ?

As always, thanks for your help
