I have recently switched to a mac. And I tried re-installing ruby from the default 1.8.2. To 1.8.4. I followed the install instructions from http://hivelogic.com/articles/2005/12/01/ruby_rails_lighttpd_mysql_tiger. Everything from those instructions seems to install fine. But now textmate doesn't know where ruby is..

it's weird.. if I run ruby from the command line or irb it works fine.. But textmate compains about not finding it. (when using the Subversion bundle). Textmate says it's searching all these different directories (one happens to actally have ruby in it). but Textmat still can';t find it..

on other thing I noticed.. is that if i do a >>whereis ruby<< it doesnt show anything.. I'm thinking that's the problem but how do I fix it..

any ideas?

thanks all.