On 2010-03-23, at 10:58 AM, Lucy Buykx wrote:I've been using the LaTeX bundle successfully with TextMate. But I have come unstuck when I want to install a new font, for example Garamond.From http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/mathdesign/ I see I must;(1) Install a package called mathdesign(2) unzip the file mdugm.zip into the root directory of my texmf treeMy questions to the list are(1) How do I download and install a package with TextMate / the bundle / using the terminal ?(2) where do I find the textmf directory in SnowLeopard ?ThanksLucy .
Hi,It's not really a Textmate thing; at least it never occured to me that Textmate may have something to do with it. I assume you have TexLive installed, although I think the process would be the same for every distro.1) Download the zip file and unzip it to (2). If (2) already exists, I found that unzipping may not work, but you would have to manually move the files contained in the zip to the relative subfolders of (2).
2) The texmf directory is at ~/Library/texmf/, where ~ is your home directory (/Users/yourusernamehere/). If the folder does not exist, you may have to create it.3) Fire up terminal, run "sudo texhash" and type in your root password.
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