I am also having strange issues with "replace all", and it might be because of inconsistent CRLF line endings (we have code saved from both windows and unix and mac).  When I went to go do a replace all, I noticed random text was replaced on half of my files.

On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 8:34 PM, Tim Rand <timrandg@gmail.com> wrote:
Anyone else having problems with Find?
Yes. I have noticed that unchecking a hit, so that it will not be
replaced, doesn't keep it from getting replaced--basically the check
boxes do not do anything.

On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 3:39 PM, Adam Sharp <adsharp@me.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Firstly, loving the new Find in Project interface, particularly the live preview for Replace All.
> However, having a problem where Find All makes some really wacky selections. For example:
> As it turns out, lines 90 and 94 can't possibly exist in this file—it only has 59 lines! If I re-run Find All it then selects the correct lines and marks them with a star in the gutter.
> Consequently, if I run Replace All when the weird or non-existant lines are selected, I get some incredibly strange results, like my replacement text being inserted at a random place in a line I never selected.
> This is a large project with 3000+ files and directories.
> Is anyone else having problems like this?
> Adam
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