I certainly don't have any skills in this area so can't help with the issue, but I do want to say I am happy someone is working on a bundle for confluence wiki :)  


On Sep 5, 2008, at 4:10 PM, Fritz Anderson wrote:

I'm building up a grammar for the Confluence wiki markup, and I'm  
having trouble with tags that take a list of parameters.

Tags look like this (all strings are examples only):

{threeparams:keyA=a value|keyB=another value|keyC=a third value}

So the tag name can stand alone, or if it is followed by ':', it takes  
a '|'-delimited list of key=value pairs.

When I use the grammar fragment at the end of this message, noparams,  
oneparam, and twoparams are highlighted as I expect. When there are  
three or more parameters, the first and last parameters are  
highlighted as I expect, but the middle ones are highlighted as plain  

I'm sure this is a defect in my match= regular expression, but I'm not  
seeing it. Could someone enlighten me, please?

— F

{ name = 'entity.confluence';
match = '(?x:
captures = {
1 = { name = 'keyword.confluence'; };
3 = { name = 'support.confluence'; };
4 = { name = 'string.confluence'; };
6 = { name = 'support.confluence'; };
7 = { name = 'string.confluence'; };

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