I had a similar problem maybe it can help


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On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 6:19 PM, Andrew Pennebaker <andrew.pennebaker@gmail.com> wrote:
Is this for a particular language?
Sorry, forgot to mention I was using NASM specifically. I added an x86 assembly tmbundle, and it works okay, but it turns out NASM doesn't have C-style block comments (/* ... */), so when I press Command+/, TextMate ends up commenting my code with syntax that NASM doesn't recognize.

One way to fix this is to tell TextMate to always prefer using line comments when I press Command+/ instead of block comments, and I'd like TextMate to express this preference for every language I use, not just NASM.

I see Source -> Settings -> Comments, but I'm not exactly sure how to edit it to do this. Could I have a little more guidance?

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