The file you're looking for is called .tm_properties, for reference see

It can be loaded from your home dir, or from the "project directory".

Im using this blob, I forget exactly what it does, but basically, it shows the information of interest.

windowTitle = "$windowTitle ${TM_DIRECTORY/\A(?:\/Users\/$USER\/Sites\/[\w-]+\/?(.*)|(.+))\z/${2:? – ${2/\/Users\/$USER/~/}:${1/\A(?=.)/ – /}}/}"


On September 4, 2014 at 3:29:06 PM, Wells Oliver ( wrote:

It'd be great if TextMate could show the full path in the title bar of the window, and in the Window drop-down because it's kind of driving me batty, having projects opened with similar file names.

Is this an option?

Wells Oliver

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