I could swear I have used a command that would reformat something like
<td> </td>
<th id="number">N</th>
<th id="percontage">%</th>
<th id="number">N</th>
<th id="percontage">%</th>
and "ex/plode" it to:
<td > </td>
<th id="number" >N</th>
<th id="percontage">%</th>
<th id="number" >N</th>
<th id="percontage">%</th>
for easy option+selection. I wanna say it was part of subtlegradient,
but cant find it anywhere.
(it probably does not help that somehow I have ended up with 3
subtlegradieent bundles.)
David Clark
Web Specialist
(617) 287-4318