On Jan 7, 2007, at 12:00 PM, Peter Michaux wrote:

Hi Thomas,
On 1/7/07, thomas Aylott <oblivious@subtlegradient.com> wrote:
On Jan 6, 2007, at 1:59 PM, Peter Michaux wrote:
> Is there a way to insure that the project draw will always open on the
> left? About fifty percent of the time it opens on the right and I have
> to close it, then move the window to the right and then reopen the
> project drawer so it shows on the left. A hassle I would really like
> to eliminate.

It opens up on whichever side has more room.
If you drag your window all the way to the right and open the drawer, it'll
open on the left.

The steps you describe are the steps I unfortunately have to do half
of the times I open a project in Textmate which is a tedious task just
to make sure the drawer is on the left. It would be nice if Textmate
always made sure that the window was far enough to the right so the
drawer would automatically open on the left.

Fork JavaScript: http://forkjavascript.org

Preaching to the choir.
But I think all of the app based development is going into version 2.0 now
which is going to have a completely new drawer, maybe not even an actual drawer

thomas Aylott — design42 — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg