I find Textmate to fit my use perfectly as it is.
I can't actually see a point other than perhaps underlying code that could be improved.

2011/6/30 Sven Axelsson <sven.axelsson@gmail.com>
On 30 June 2011 14:32, Justin Catterall <100621.1@masonsmusic.co.uk> wrote:
> On 30 Jun 2011, at 13:06, Sven Axelsson wrote:
>> Is Textmate the current record holder now when Duke Nuk'em Forever
>> finally have been released?
> I just Googled for vaporware to find the (probably) huge number of programs
> that have been promised *way* before TM2 (which AIUI hasn't even been
> promised) and which still haven't arrived, and I notice that TM2 has been
> added to the Wikipedia page. Was that you?

No, it wasn't me. The Wikipedia text was added in October 2010 by
anonymous. Of course I wasn't really serious when I wrote the above.
But as you may know, Textmate has already been mentioned along with
other famous vaporware in this Wired article:

I can appreciate that people find Textmate 1 "good enough", and I did
so myself for a long time. I have however switched to Vim now. I will
no doubt have another look at Textmate when version 2 eventually
releases, but for now I am happy with Vim.

Sven Axelsson

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