thanks Chris/Steve - very workable (very close to being as quick/easy as tortoise on windows)
>> Allan - I've tried this but after selecting all I get the
>> following (see below), so the question then was how to identify
>> any files in the project that require versioning and arranging for
>> them to be added prior to the commit. I'm still interested in a
>> combining feature that allows me to both ADD and COMMIT in one hit
>> however (like I had on Windows with Tortoise)
>> ...
>> svn: Commit failed (details follow):
>> svn: '/Users/greg/source/topdonator/doc/testonly.rb' is not under
>> version control
> Any file/folders not currently in the repository will appear in the
> commit window with a question mark. To add those files, go to the
> 'Modify' popup menu in the table -- on the same line as the file to
> be added -- and select 'Add'. Then make sure those files are checked.
Also, I usually just like to select the root folder of my project and
select "Status" from the SVN bundle menu. You'll get add buttons for
things that aren't versioned, and you can just hit the commit button
when it looks like you're going to do everything you want to.
For new threads USE THIS:
(threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't)