Yeah, it's got to be an environment issue. The weird thing is that I haven't changed anything in my startup scripts. I'll figure it out when I have a little more time. Thanks!

On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 9:06 PM, Matt Neuburg <> wrote:
On 7/23/09 7:19 PM, in article, "Schell"
<> wrote:

> Ah, okay, sorry guys. The code involved is ANY CocoaDialog calls. For example:
> [bash script]
> fullProjectPath=$(CocoaDialog filesave \
>             --text "Please name your project and select a folder to save it
> into" \
>             --title "Create New Project" \
>             --with-extensions .tmproj \
>             --with-file "$defaultProjectName");
> [/bash script]
> fullProjectPath's value is now "QT call results in 0".

Okay, well, I don't really do bash scripting, but I just tried making a new
bash script in TextMate and I ran this:

fullProjectPath=$(CocoaDialog filesave \
 --text "Please name your project and select a folder to save it into" \
 --title "Create New Project" \
 --with-extensions .tmproj \
 --with-file testing);
echo $fullProjectPath

And here's the output after I interact with the dialog:


That looks right. So what causes this difference? The version of TM?
Something about the environment where the script is being run? m.

matt neuburg, phd =, <>
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