On Jan 20, 2006, at 8:41 AM, Christof Janssen wrote:

Thanks, I have seen these and your tip did the trick. Just wonderful, thanks a lot. -- I just seem to have problems with pdfsync - When I Shift Command in Texniscope it opens up a new Textmate window every time I do that instead of switching to the window already open.

In the Paths tab of the preferences, I've set the Editor command to 'open' and the
Editor arguments to:
Notice the double quotes, they need to be part of the line.
 Then command-clicking does the trick for me, without opening a new window.

There's also another suggestion in the comments to my first screencast, using the command line tool mate, but I haven't tried that.

If you are still having trouble, perhaps you could send me a sample file exhibiting the behavior? Then we'll know if it's a deeper issue, or whether some settings need to be set on your machine (though I can't think what right now).
