
Have been trying out Textmate 2 alpha since it's public release. First off, well done!

I've been trying it out on a project I work on and so far haven't had any crashes. The stability is excellent!

Also, the right hand sidebar and Git SCM integration in the file browser was a much needed feature that works well!

The only relatively minor (but annoying) issue I've run into so far has been with the speed of source code highlighting.

When I open several files in quick succession, most of them big (100+ lines), the source code highlighter takes a fare while to process them all.

It seems like it parses the files in the order I opened them? In any case, a file could take up to 10s-20s before it finally gets colouring.

I never noticed this issue in Textmate 1, so it seems like a regression.

Also, it would be nice to close the last tab without the window closing as well.

Other than that, going well so far. Keep it up!

Kieran Pilkington
http://twitter.com/k776 - http://k776.tumblr.com