So, in the process of writing the screenwriting bundle I'm working (and using every day) I've come to the conclusion that it might be cool to look into subversion for working with screenwriting projects.

Obviously I know nothing about subversion, so my question is:

Is this stupid?
Do you guys have any good resources for getting started with subversion?
Is there a better solution (since I'm just using text-documents)?
I can't seem to find a really good intro on how to use TextMate with Subversion, did I miss it somewhere?

Thanks in advance.

I would recommend setting up a hosted webdav svn server somewhere.
That way you will have access to your stuff from any computer and easily give other people access and track what they do.

I host all my stuff with dreamhost. They have a subversion server creation thing. I have like 7 or so svn repos running on there now. It literally takes about 30 seconds to fill out their little form and then it takes their robot about 10 minutes to create everything and email you.

I'm sure other hosts probly have something similar.

There's a svn command that lets you backup the entire repo will all changes and everything. I would recommend backing everything up occasionally, because you never know.

Awesome bundle, BTW.

thomas Aylott

PS: No, I don't work for dreamhost. But I have been hosting with then for more than 9 years.