Jacob Rus:



Jeremy Wilkins:

Is there any support for setting a background image in the editor window? Or any plans to add this? I've found the transparency support but I'm not that fussed about seeing my other windows, I'd rather just see a tinted image.

There is no such support -- I’ll take note of the request. It might be quite easy to do as a hidden feature, but I doubt I’ll add any UI for setting the background image ;)

Yes! That would be totally awesome.

Maybe even a different image depending on the theme.

Nah.  We need background movies!  Static images are so boring!  And we need transparency!  Maybe just let the background be a Quartz Composer composition!  A different one for each scope of course!

(or we could, you know, just stick to colors, and all be happy)


That we really need is gradients.
Subtle ones of course ;)

thomas Aylott — subtleGradient