On 5 July 2015 at 11:39, Angelo Varlotta <angelovarlotta@gmail.com> wrote:
Sounds like I would need to make/find a specific tool for Markdown Here, and
have the current Markdown bundle use that. I've been browsing through the
Markdown Here Github code but I don't see how to implement it in TextMate.
Could you be more specific on what I would have to do?
What you need is a command-line tool that can convert your preferred
markdown dialect into HTML.
“Markdown Here” doesn’t seem to provide such a tool, only browser extensions.
I recommend you choose a dialect and tool that supports it.
The common ones seem to be be [MultiMarkdown][1] and [Pandoc][2].
You can find out about their respective dialects [here][3] and [here][4].
Both of them support diffent kinds of tables,
and there is a [comparison][5] available.
[1]: http://fletcherpenney.net/multimarkdown/
[2]: http://pandoc.org/
[3]: http://fletcher.github.io/MultiMarkdown-4/syntax.html
[4]: http://pandoc.org/README.html#pandocs-markdown
[5]: https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/wiki/Pandoc-vs-Multimarkdown
You would then install the tool you chose(via MacPorts, Homebrew, or manually;
Pandoc provides an [installer package for OS X][6])
and set TM_MARKDOWN to its full path, e.g. `/opt/local/bin/multimarkdown`,
or to that path to a script that calls the tool with your preferred
options, like
exec /usr/local/bin/pandoc --from=markdown "$@"
[6]: http://pandoc.org/installing.html
Alternatively, you could request such a command-line tool from the
“Markdown Here” authors.
Hope that helps,
Martin Kühl wrote:
On 5 July 2015 at 10:21, Angelo Varlotta <angelovarlotta@gmail.com> wrote:
What I have noticed is that the default Markdown bundle doesn't support some
syntax features of Markdown Here in the Markdown Preview, such as tables and
strikethrough for example. Is there a way of adding these extra Markdown
Here features in the current TextMate bundle so that they are properly
viewed in the Preview? I've tried to use the redcarpet Markdown bundle and
the Github-flavored Markdown bundle versions, which present some
highlighting within TextMate itself but fail to make the preview work as
well. I've noticed that one can add MathJax support with the preference
option TM_MARKDOWN_MATHJAX set to 1. Is there something like that for extra
Markdown Here syntax support?
There is!
If you install a tool that processes “Markdown Here”,
you can set TM_MARKDOWN to the path to that tool,
and TextMate will start using it to render previews.
If you don’t set the variable, TM defaults to the original Markdown.pl,
which only supports the classic syntax.