This Undo persistence could probably also be enough for those wanting a simple versioning system built into TM.
Being able to Undo ad infinitum is the simplest versioning system I can think of.


On 22 of Oct, 2014, at 08:59, Igor K <> wrote:

On 22 10 2014, at 11:38, Elia Schito <> wrote:

My problem is that closed tabs also loose undo-history

I was wondering for a long time if there’s a way to keep the undo stack in case of
closed tabs or window. The thing is that my workflow sometimes includes a lot of 
experimenting with code and then doing a lot of undos to go back to a state without
those experiments. But if TextMate for example crashes I lose this ability.
Usually I can use git diff in this case, but still it would be nice to have ⌘Z working
after crashes at least.

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