On 4/10/07, Piero D'Ancona <pierodancona@gmail.com> wrote:
First of all, LaTeX Watch is brilliant! so please keep
on working on it. BTW, the trick of precompiling
and dumping the format should be made standard
in all tex apps, it's simply to good an idea.

Thanks for the encouragement!

Would you mind writing down here a concise list
of all the shell variables relevant to
L.Watch, and their meaning? I'm a bit confused

I don't blame you. I'm a bit confused as well. :-) 

This is still rather in flux, and it would be nice to have
it controlled by the same variables that control the
'Typeset & View' command. I've been mulling this
over, and I have come up with what seems to me to
be a reasonable scheme. I'll post about it tomorrow,
and see if I can persuade Haris to accept a patch
to Typeset & View that rationalises its configuration.

To answer your question, if you have version 2.1
( http://www.puffinry.demon.co.uk/LaTeX%20Watch%202.1.dmg)
then the variables it recognises are:

If this is set to 'latex', then a DVI compilation is used,
rather than going directly to PDF. The default is assumed
to be 'pdflatex'.

In future, I expect that other options will be supported,
such as xelatex.

Currently only affects the default, pdflatex, mode.
Supported values are 'TeXShop' (the default),
'TeXniscope' and 'PDFView'.

In 'latex' mode, it will currently always try to use gv.

Set to 'console' to print debugging messages to the console,
or to 'dialog' to pop them up in a dialog box.

Quite a short list really! I hope it's useful. Any questions,
let me know.
