Thanks. Fixed in r6416.

Incidentally, gsub doesn't modify the variable, so the second should wrap the first, not come after the first. This is especially important because, if you'll notice, there's not a single semicolon in getSig.R as it stands now - it's purely functional, and I'd like to keep it that way ;)

If you pay attention, you'll notice I made the escape function a default argument to another function specifically so I could preserve the purely functional aspect here.

On Dec 19, 2006, at 6:51 AM, Hans-Joerg Bibiko wrote:

I just found a very tiny bug within the R function getSig.r of that bundle.

If you type 'plot.lm' and invoke that command to get the template it gives you a weird output because within the formals you find an item 'caption', and within this item there is a '\n'. The ruby pop down menu, of course, interprets a '\n' as a new line.

To avoid this I would include within the getSig.r at line 12 this:

10: if (is.symbol(f[[arg]]) && f[[arg]] == "") arg else list(arg, f[[arg]])

11: ),

12: function (arg, escape=function(x) ifelse(snippet, {gsub("([\\$`}])", "\\\\\\1", x);gsub("\n", "", x)}, x))

13: if (is.list(arg))

i.e. I add a  gsub in the 'escape' function to delete each '\n'

I don't know whether this will be good. The case is very rarely.


Kevin Ballard