+1 @Alexey  that's even better, really glad I asked the question!

Mikael Henriksson

Tel: +46 (0) 730- 393 200 

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 8:54 AM, Alexey Blinov <nilcolor@gmail.com> wrote:
BTW, take a look at DTerm app (http://decimus.net/DTerm/).
similar to Visor, can change active dir to the file you working with,
if possble.
I use it for hg commands and it works just fine.

-- Alexey

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 08:52, Mikael Henriksson <mikael@zoolutions.se> wrote:
> Brandon, that's awesome and exactly what I was after! I just hate having to
> alt+tab through all my windows!
> Mikael Henriksson
> Tel: +46 (0) 730- 393 200
> mikael@zoolutions.se
> On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 6:40 AM, Brandon M Fryslie <bmf@email.arizona.edu>
> wrote:
>> I use the program Visor to give me access to a terminal from any program.
>>  I press 'Control' twice and it slides down from the top.  It is about as
>> fast quicksilver to run a command from any window.
>> Here is the main site:
>> http://visor.binaryage.com/
>> Here are some instructions for improving it:
>> http://tech.xster.net/tips/the-perfect-visor-reborn/
>> However, I personally do not like making it an LSUIElement because long
>> story short I can't figure out how to change the transparency with a
>> keyboard shortcut.  Instead, I use DragThing and exclude Visor from the dock
>> and application switcher.
>> I can't recommend this program enough.  I can't live without it since I
>> use the terminal constantly and this gives me the ability to use bash
>> aliases and scripts as fast as I can access a quicksilver catalog item.
>> Also, DragThing.  Stupid name, but it replaces your boring normal dock
>> with as many themed and tabbed docks as you have crap to shove on them.  It
>> is also a more versatile and better application switcher than either Witch
>> or LiteSwitchX.
>> Brandon
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