My first reaction was ARGH. But it definately has something :)
I usually have a hard time with to much colour (use the Twilight theme myself) but perhaps colour is a good idea ... I just have a slight problem with such a hard black background.
So I changed background to #222222, undid the italicized comments (since I use Monaco 9 non-antialiased) and it looks pretty good now. Except that it's still ugly. Ugly but possibly useful.
I just can't stand the looks of things with background or underline, but I realize it can be quite useful.


On Mar 20, 2006, at 5:42 , thomas Aylott wrote:

I updated it to fix PHP heredoc and the comment colors.

thomas Aylott

On Mar 19, 2006, at 8:42 PM, Soryu wrote:

Ah, sure, forgot to mention that I mostly use PHP all day, HTML, CSS and SQL.
I can give you some feedback for those.

As for "BETA", yes, I thought about that but yet decided to feed you back :)


On 19.03.2006, at 23:51, thomas Aylott wrote:


What language and whatnot are you using in that snapshot?
The bottom is obviously html.

I'll need to get some more sample code to properly design this thing.

good thing I added the word "BETA" huh? ;)

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