I see the same thing that Matt sees here, mine being specifically a thumbnail generated from Script Debugger QL generator.
Fiddling a little more by forcing TM to generate the preview, here's what I get :
But I can't get any hiccup here...
Le 25 sept. 2015 à 20:20, Matt Neuburg <matt@tidbits.com> a écrit :
Thanks for the instructions. I followed them. They worked fine. I have enclosed a screen shot (not sure what happens when you send an attachment to the list, so contact me offlist if you need a separate copy).
I have TextMate, same as you, so I would suggest that TextMate is not the cause of whatever problem you are having.
<Screen Shot 2015-09-25 at 11.19.14 AM.png>
On Sep 25, 2015, at 10:47 AM, Rob McBroom <mailinglist0@skurfer.com> wrote:
On 25 Sep 2015, at 11:23, Matt Neuburg wrote:
Can you give actual instructions for reproducing this? I don't see what you mean. m.
1. Go to ~/Library/Scripts or some location that contains an AppleScript file.
2. Select an AppleScript.
3. Hit Space or ⌘Y to Quick Look it. (Or, if in Column view, you will already see the problem before you get the chance.)
Rob McBroom
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matt neuburg, phd = http://www.apeth.net/matt/
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